A Reflection for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11th September 2022
Stories are part and parcel of our lives as human beings. They can shape our worldview. They help us make sense of things that we do not understand at times. For example, in many African cultures and traditions, stories are told to growing children in order to teach them how to deal with hardships and challenges of their environment and how to behave towards others. No wonder Jesus told stories on several occasions in the gospels when addressing large crowds or his disciples because he fully understood the power of storytelling...
- August 21, 2022
A Reflection for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 4th September 2022
Today’s Gospel offers an image about making difficult and challenging decisions. As we grow into life, we can find ourselves disagreeing with friends and family. It can be a difficult place for all concerned. In his poem, Frost speaks of choosing a difficult path that made the difference. Through this poem, I can hear the parents of many gifted people, saying you will never make a living from playing music, or playing sport or taking that job or … I might have even found myself saying those words!...
Soul Food for the Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year, 28th August 2022
I’m in a very privileged position as principal of a very large, busy and energetic school, witnessing signs of love, care and kindness every day in the corridors and the playground, during lessons and, indeed, in our bustling and busy staffroom. Even more so over the past two years – with enforced Covid lockdowns – witnessing how well our community of parents, teachers and boys coped with remote teaching and learning.
A Reflection for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, 21st August 2022
Discipline is not my favourite word. It conjures up images of restriction, the limiting of behaviours and the creation of a narrow lifestyle. But then I read in that 'encouraging text 'in the Book of Hebrews, 'When the Lord corrects you, do not treat it lightly; do not get discouraged'. Yes, God’s discipline is a unique process. Contrary to most human conditioning, it prepares us to open up – to shed the restrictions that limit our thoughts and behaviour...
- August 4, 2022