A Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (1st August 2021)
Food for Thought – Thinking about Food. There is an early scene in the musical ‘Oliver’, where the young orphan approaches the master. With an empty bowl in arms outstretched and upheld, and driven by hunger, he has the courage to say, ‘Please sir, I want some more’. And then this scene morphs itself in my memory into lines of children waiting for rations in any of a number of refugee camps or feeding centres around the world.
- July 29, 2021
A Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (25th July 2021)
Today’s Gospel is the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people. It is estimated that 690 million people go hungry in our world. Evidence from relevant bodies indicates that the Covid-19 pandemic – alongside ongoing conflicts, inequality and the climate crisis – has undermined further an already broken food system, leaving millions of people, according to the UN, one step away from starvation.
- June 29, 2021
A Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (18th July) 2021)
Calling someone a Jeremiah is not a compliment! This prophet is associated with doom and gloom, and with dire warnings and threats. We get a hint of that in today’s first reading. However, Jeremiah deserves a better press. More than any other prophet he has a capacity to tell it as he sees it and that applies not only to his people but also to his God!
A Reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (11th July 2021)
Sunday is a day of blessing – the blessing! It’s the day to celebrate that we are made new. A day to start over. This Sunday, when we gather, we will have some poetry put before us as usual. We probably don’t think of the responsorial psalm that way – but what else is it?