Soul Food for Sundays

Reflection for The Fifth Sunday of the Season of Creation 29th September 2024

In today’s gospel, the disciples are too busy with their own plans for the future and so are unable to hear the critical message that Jesus is giving, even when he speaks of his own life being threatened. He concludes by asking the disciples to be attentive to the “little ones”. We too can be busy with our plans, so busy as not to notice what is happening all around us; where life is threatened, where the “little ones” are being threatened. Several times Jesus speaks of having ears and not hearing...

Author: admin - August 15, 2024


Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of the Season of Creation, 22nd September 2024

At the beginning of this reflection, get into a comfortable position so that your whole person is open to the Divine within and around you. Become aware of your breathing as it enters your nostrils and exits through your mouth; do this three times; then become aware of your tummy as you fill it with air like a big balloon and let go again; now fill your lungs with air and let it go again. Do this slowly once again, filling your tummy and then your lungs. See which is the strongest area and stay with this as your anchor for a few more seconds.

Author: admin - August 14, 2024

A meadow

Reflection for the Third Sunday of the Season of Creation, 15th September 2024

We can see someone every day and still not know that person. Getting to know someone is an ongoing work of love, wonder and patience. The disciples are attracted to Jesus as a powerful figure who heals and leads...

Author: admin -

A beautiful tree in the evening

Reflection for the Second Sunday of the Season of Creation, 8th September 2024

Ephphata (Be opened). The man who can’t hear and can’t speak hears and speaks in today’s Gospel. As we begin our second week of the Season of Creation, we too seek to hear and speak of the Creation of God who has made us in God’s own image and likeness and shared with us the entire beauty of Creation of which we are a part. This year the theme of the Season is: To Hope and Act in Creation...

Author: admin -

four crocus plants
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