Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for Sunday 24th September, the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (AND the Fourth Sunday in The Season of Creation 2023)

Reflections 24th September 2023
Matthew 20:1-16A

The Author: Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp.
calendar_today Date: September 7, 2023 - 2 minutes read

Sunday Mass Readings for September 24 2023, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nature into Life

Into the river of nature,

teeming with life –

we did come;

to be carried through life

with gifts most generous.

From an abundance we are fed

We’re part of each other

as we journey together

There’s beauty too:

In the flowers, in birds & bees

With farm stock and animals wild.

While not forgetting the fish below

Changed as we are by human greed,

polluting nature

and ruining our only home,

as we impose our will,

ignoring a healthy pace

for all our human race.

On fertile lands in Ukraine

Where once was plenty,

now bombs we sow.

Instead of healthy seed

With harvests for the needy

News of humans drowning

in a sea of indifference

Touches our hearts; we hear their cry

We take them in

for there’s more room in our boat

Careful people are mending their clothes

as a stitch in time avoids the landfill.

There’ll be a million bikes

in our cities soon.

While an Irish church wishing to be wild –

begins on its lawns to feed the bees.

Wash us all of our guilt

for we have taken too much.

Heat waves speak if we can hear,

Mother earth is under pressure

But it’s never late to learn.

For we’re all in the same boat;

we must not sink.

So let us set a new course

To reach new targets

Caring for our earth

Our Common Home,

Bringing fairness to all

Where justice flows like a river.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Spiritans Emblem

Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp.

Ordained in 1968, Fr Vincent was appointed to Brazil where he served in pastoral roles in São Paulo.Returning to Ireland in the late 1980s, he served in Ardbraccan as well as in parishes in Dublin and Elphin dioceses. He is now retired in Kimmage.