The Effects of Torture

The aim of torture is to obtain information or a confession, to incriminate a third person, to take revenge, or to establish a reign of terror within a community by breaking the body and the mind of the victim.

You can help survivors of torture have a positive future

Spirasi supports torture victims to re-build their lives in Ireland, using a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation. Once referred to Spirasi, normally by a GP, a client undergoes an initial assessment and is seen by a therapist, doctor and psychosocial officer. An individualised care plan, prepared in consultation with the client, determines the most appropriate support Spirasi can offer.

Medical, therapeutic and ongoing psychosocial supports are provided. Therapies may be on an individual, family or group basis. Medico-Legal Reports, by specialist physicians, document evidence of torture for use in the international protection process in Ireland. A befriending service offers the one-to-one companionship of trained volunteer befrienders to reduce isolation and loneliness and to provide support with integration in Irish society.  For victims and their families, English language classes at four levels are offered in the Lantern Centre, Dublin 8.  In a testimonial, one service-user said that “Through the classes, I am able to do voluntary work, build relationships and integrate into the Irish society. The classes also taught me life skills. Spirasi is like a second home for me.”