September 2019 visit by St. Michael’s College to Duquesne University
A St. Michael’s College group attended the 2019 Global Citizenship Education network in Duquesne. Their invitation had followed on from both the Spiritan Global Education Showcase event and the meeting of the Spiritan Global Citizenship Teachers’ Network in 2018.
- September 30, 2019
Address to the celebration of 25th, 50th and 75th anniversaries of religious profession Kimmage Manor, 07/09/2019
No missionary goes out on his or her own; there are always so many angels on our shoulders to give courage to our endeavours and fresh wind in our sails. I thank the Lord for the blessings of my parents, family, friends and confrères, those from whom I have derived my passion for spreading the Gospel.
- September 7, 2019
Paris Marathon, Sunday 14th April 2019 Ronan Barry, Identity, Faith and Mission Office, SET
A team of four, comprising Ronan Barry (SET), Adam Puszczewicz (Willow Park / Blackrock College, James Keating (Rockwell College) and Fr. Calvin Massawe (French Province) will take part in this year’s Paris Marathon.
- April 11, 2019
Letter from Brazil ~ Áine O’Donoghue, teacher at Willow Park Junior School
In February the Willow Wheelers completed their annual mission trip to learn more about the work of the Spiritans...
- March 14, 2019