Newsletter of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Volume 2 Issue 5 Winter 2024
- December 8, 2024Mission Awareness Programme 2024
The Mission Awareness Programme (formerly ‘Mission Appeals’) remains an important part of Spiritan activity, giving us the opportunity to travel to parish communities around Ireland to speak about the many and varied works in which Spiritan confrères in overseas mission are engaged.
- April 22, 2024Mission Awareness Programme 2023
The Mission Awareness Programme (formerly known as ‘Mission Appeals’) has been an important aspect of the Province’s work for many years, giving us the opportunity to let parish communities in Ireland know about the work in overseas mission of confrères.
- December 4, 2023Mission Boxes
Holy Ghost Mission Boxes were first used in Ireland in the 1930s. In the early 1950s they began to be distributed widely around the country, primarily to family-owned shops, chemists and pubs. In a sign of the times, mission boxes that served us so well for so long are now all but a thing of the past, due in part to the demise of many family-owned businesses...
- March 15, 2023