Mission Appeals 2019
Last year the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Missions) held Mission Appeals throughout the Diocese of Cashel & Emly, and the Diocese of Tuam. Our thanks to all who generously supported our appeals.
- January 4, 2019
Irish Spiritans who died in 2018
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha ~ May they rest in peace
- January 2, 2019
The Isle of Man ~ Brian O’Mahony C.S.Sp.
History of the local Church and some Irish connections ~ Spiritan presence on the island ~ Mission Territory
- December 13, 2018
In the Footsteps of the Founders Paris, 25th – 28th Oct ~ Ms Mary Jo Delaney
Over three hundred years later, the fruit of this work was tangible in what is today known as Les Apprentis d’Auteuil. The Spiritan vision permeates the delivery of this foundation’s educational programmes.