Spiritans respond to latest flooding in Kenya ~ December 2023
The Spiritans have secured two emergency grants, each to the value of €15,000, from Misean Cara for support to pastoralist and farmer families in Kenya who have been affected by recent flood damage. The floods follow El Niño rains that began in early November and which have now affected a number of countries in east Africa.
- December 10, 2023
Welcome to Confrères on Studies:
Welcome to Abraham Akpen Jov (Nigeria NNE) and Maxwell Atuguba (Ghana), doing MA studies in International Peacebuilding, Security & Development Practice, and Crispin Mbumba Kawanga (DRC) doing English language studies. All three are resident in St Mary’s community.
- December 4, 2023
Orientation Course N° 5 for Incoming Pastoral Ministry Workers
Participating, along with a total of sixteen others, in this two-week course was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and to share. It increased my motivation and satisfaction as a minister of God and has pushed me to serve. The course enabled me to accept the complexity of the Irish Church, integrating myself into this new reality so that my ministry in Ireland is the mission of God and not ‘the mission of oneself.’...
Joy and relief – A befriending story from Spirasi ~ Michael Liston (A Spirasi befriender)
‘Sheryar’* sought international protection in Ireland in 2012 due to fears of his for his life in his native Pakistan. He spent the next six years living in different ‘Direct Provision’ centres. I was introduced to him in 2018 by Spirasi’s befriending office. By then he had left his accommodation to stay with friends in Dublin as his appeal against a deportation order, which meant that he might be deported at any time, had been rejected by the Irish Supreme Court. (* Not his real name)
- November 20, 2023