An Tobar Retreat & Spirituality Centre Easter Triduum Retreat 2023
The Easter Triduum is not a celebration of what once happened to Jesus but is our celebration of what is happening to us. hese days are “mystery” – not “history” We celebrate God’s taking possession of our hearts at their deepest core...
- March 15, 2023
Mission Appeals 2022
Mission Appeals is a very important aspect of Spiritan work. Unfortunately, it has been on hold since March 2020 due to Covid-related restrictions. This year we have been assigned to the Diocese of Killaloe and Area 1 of the Diocese of Down and Connor. We are very grateful to be able to return to this work and to share our missionary story.
- March 13, 2023
Newsletter of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Volume 2 Issue 2 Autumn 2022
- January 16, 2023
Deaths in the Irish Spiritan Province in 2022
A total of seven Spiritans of the Irish Province died in 2022. They were Jim Byrnes, Kevin Corrigan, Hugh Fagan, Patrick J. Kelly, Augustine Lindsay, Michael Reynolds and James Stapleton.