Education News Articles

A Reflection for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (5th September 2021)

After eighteen months of uncertainty and of living in a climate of fear and anxiety, our children and teachers are returning to school.  The atmosphere is different this time as a new horizon awaits, with restrictions being removed and a sense of normalisation returning. Many people are vaccinated and the numbers of people in Intensive Care Units are down. These indicators offer us hope as we face into the autumnal season.

Author: admin - August 27, 2021


A Reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (17th January 2021)

“I’ve waited, I’ve waited”, the Psalmist exclaims in today’s scripture while Samuel shares with us his experience of God. He shares his story of our God.

Author: admin - January 13, 2021

Young man looking out at a vista
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