A Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday of the Year, 26th June 2022
I was very moved recently when a friend of mine welcomed two Ukrainian refugees, a mother and daughter, into her home. My friend is a widow in her early seventies whose four grown-up children have all moved out she had space in the house. I was surprised when she said that she had registered with the Irish Red Cross to accept a refugee family into her home...
- June 1, 2022A Reflection for The Feast of the Ascension / Seventh Sunday of Easter, 29th May 2022
In today’s Gospel, Luke tells us that when Jesus was carried up to heaven, the disciples returned to Jerusalem, ‘full of joy’. What a marked contrast to the reaction of those same disciples to the events of Good Friday. The sadness, the uncertainty, the fear of then has now disappeared, and they have become men and women with a mission. heir mission is to be witnesses to their own experience of the Jesus who spoke so many inspiring parables, who brought God’s forgiveness, who healed the sick, who welcomed saints and sinners alike, who reached out to the most marginalised in society...
- May 9, 2022A Reflection for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (10th April) 2022
Wars rage, we have a climate emergency and Covid-19 continues to threaten. The human suffering and sadness are incalculable. We all live in the dark shadow of these realities, and –in varying degrees – people are dealing with daily challenges, sometimes coping with issues from poverty to ill-health to loss. Keeping faith with ourselves and our world can be a struggle.
- March 28, 2022A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (3rd April) 2022
Today’s story of the woman caught in adultery is immensely sad. Some say that, as He was so upset, Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground to avoid the eyes of the malevolent, misled Scribes and Pharisees. Others say that He wrote the sins of the indicting leaders. No one is sure.
- March 27, 2022