Soul Food for Sunday 20th August 2023, the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We can all remember a time when a parent stayed strong for us. We can remember times when we were ill, or in need of a listening ear and our mother or father came to listen and respond. Today we heard a similar tale from the Canaanite woman who pleaded with Jesus for help. Like somebody taking their case to the Liveline radio programme, or the Irish Independent about an ill child or the need for a medical card, she was not letting Jesus off the hook.
- August 3, 2023
Soul Food for Sunday 13th August 2023, the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear. At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” The above lines from todays’ gospel are a reminder that often in difficult times we don’t recognise God. In this gospel scene, Jesus’ disciples see a ‘ghost’ and cry out in ‘fear’...
The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Sunday 6th August 2023
Often there are moments in life that can be ‘mountaintop experiences’ e.g. a retreat. There are times in life when you can feel so close to God and to those around you that you are going to explode with energy. But then you must leave this experience and move on from this special moment to deal with the more mundane – homework, washing up the dishes, going to another meeting... But you will have other times when you feel especially close to God. These times will be important also.
- July 20, 2023
Soul Food for Sunday 30th July 2023, The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
I was a student teacher in 1989 when the apartheid-based, Christian Nationalist syllabus was still being taught across South Africa. Any mention of Nelson Mandela or the other leaders of the struggle against the heresy of racial segregation was strictly forbidden. I remember being castigated by a senior member of staff for discussing the country’s then liberation movements with one of my history classes.
- July 11, 2023