Reflection for the Feast of Pentecost (28th May) 2023
Recently I presided at a wedding of a young couple in Waterford. It was a joyous occasion. Prior to the wedding I was on standby because there was uncertainty about whether or not the grandmother of the groom would be able to attend the wedding. If the 102-year-old grandmother (yes, you read that right) could not attend the wedding, Plan B was that, with the couple, I would go to visit her in the nursing home in Dublin and there would be a small blessing for the couple with the grandmother present...
- May 14, 2023
Reflection for the Feast of The Ascension (21st May) 2023
Most of us will now be aware of the issues that face the planet. We have come to a greater awareness of the beauty of all that surrounds us. With the advances of cameras and television, we are brought to the deepest oceans or the highest mountains in a moment. One commentator, the broadcaster David Attenborough, has shared his love of nature with the world.
A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (7th May) 2023
At the centre of ministry should be the example of Jesus’ own life and ministry. Many sports enthusiasts have often seen teams taking the field or court without a clear plan. Within minutes of the start of a game, it can be easily observed that some players are playing in one particular way and others in another way. Even within current institutions, we can see different ‘game plans’ playing out in various contexts...
- May 1, 2023
A Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (14th May) 2023
In an era when we are aware of the loneliness of people, today’s Gospel is a Good News story about the gift of faith (trust) in God. John reminds his readers about God’s promise never to leave people alone. Prayer, as we know, is an action of faith and is offered in trust by the person praying to God.