Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (6th June 2021)

The Feast of Corpus Christi was first established for the Universal Church at the beginning of the 17th century. Soon afterwards the practice of public processions on that day with the Blessed Sacrament carried through the streets of the parish and, in some places, through the streets of large cities, became very popular.

Author: admin - May 26, 2021


A Reflection for Trinity Sunday (30th May 2021)

“Did ever a people hear the voice of the living God speaking from the heart of the fire, as you have heard it, and remain alive?” This is a breath-taking image from the reading from Deuteronomy for the Feast of the Holy Trinity.  Nowadays, unfortunately, we have less and less opportunity to spend time at a real open fire.   A lighted candle is a good echo of the fire in this time of increasing restrictions on open fires.

Author: admin - April 27, 2021

The Holy Trinity

A Reflection for Pentecost Sunday (23rd May 2021)

Today, the Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday, a very special day for Christians. We honour this day with great solemnity and festivity. Unfortunately, for two years in a row, we could not properly celebrate this wonderful feast. A year ago, nobody could have imagined what we would experience daily due to Covid-19. This unexpected pandemic has thrown us into an unwelcome ‘new normal’, drastically re-shaping our ordinary lives. For those struggling at society’s margins, its impacts are devastating. As the darkness has gradually engulfed lives, it has become more evident that life has changed into something far different from the normal we remember.

Author: admin -


A Reflection for the Feast of the Ascension (16th May 2021)

In a beautiful translation from the French of La prière de toutes les heures (Prayer for All Times) by Pierre Charles, S.J. (1929, p. 88), Maud Monahan poetically expresses the idea that even had we had the privilege of living in Galilee when Christ walked its dusty paths, most likely we would have remained on the outskirts of the crowd, unable even to catch the echo of his words. Never could we have come as close to him as we can now, for he has sent his Spirit to us, and thus we can all become his disciples. “You will receive power”, Jesus promised as he said farewell to the grieving Apostles on Mount Olivet, “when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1, 8).

Author: admin -

The Ascension of the Lord
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