Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th October

Reflections 8th October 2023
Matthew 21:33-43

The Author: Ronan Barry
calendar_today Date: October 4, 2023 - 2 minutes read

Today’s Gospel links the vineyard to those who bear fruit. When we love each other, we become bearers of God’s fruit. Today we are more aware of differences in our society, and we ask how we can be more inclusive of those marginalised in our communities.

In a personal way, I was touched by the words of Pope Francis in Lisbon during World Youth Day. He profoundly described a Church that is open to all people.

Dear friends,

I want to make this clear to you who are allergic to dishonesty and to empty words, there is room for Everyone in the Church – wherever there is not, please, we must make room, including for those who make mistakes, who fail or struggle. The Church had to be the home where the echo of God’s call to everyone resounds.

The Lord does not close the door – but invites us to enter. He does not keep us distant. He welcomes us. Let us call each by name – God loves you all. God loves you.

Often, we invite people into our community who fit into our way of doing things. However, Pope Francis goes beyond that image and invites us to go on mission and share life with all the people we meet. We are not called to do it alone; we are called to be involved together.

Today the echoes of ‘Totus, Totus’ (together, together) from the crowds in Lisbon still echo in my ears.

As we journey, we pray for courage to be the WELCOME,

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, Lutheran theologian (1892–1971)

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

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Ronan Barry

Ronan is Director of Spiritan Mission Ireland, set up in 2017 to respond, in line with Spiritan charism, to the current context of the Irish Spiritan Province and Church. He was part of the Spiritan education team for over ten years. He lives with his family in Co. Kildare.