Congregation & Heritage News Articles

Hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants

Fr. Samson Mann C.S.Sp. now divides his time evenly between hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants. As chaplain in St. Mary’s Hospital in Dublin 8 and the nearby 150-bed Phoenix Park Community Nursing Unit (PPCNU)...

Author: admin - September 28, 2020

Reaching 80! Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday.

Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday this month. Happy birthday to him!

Author: admin -

25th Jubilee of Profession

For both Fr. John Laizer C.S.Sp. and Fr. Hyacinth Nwakuna C.S.Sp. this year marks the 25th anniversary of their first profession in the Congregation. Happy anniversary!

Author: admin -

Mosaic of Christ

A Spiritan for over 75 years ~ September 2020

Bishop Michael Cleary C.S.Sp. was diocesan education secretary, Vicar-General and, for a total of 25 years, Bishop of Banjul, Gambia.

Author: admin - September 7, 2020

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