Hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants
Fr. Samson Mann C.S.Sp. now divides his time evenly between hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants. As chaplain in St. Mary’s Hospital in Dublin 8 and the nearby 150-bed Phoenix Park Community Nursing Unit (PPCNU)...
- September 28, 2020Reaching 80! Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday.
Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday this month. Happy birthday to him!
-25th Jubilee of Profession
For both Fr. John Laizer C.S.Sp. and Fr. Hyacinth Nwakuna C.S.Sp. this year marks the 25th anniversary of their first profession in the Congregation. Happy anniversary!
-A Spiritan for over 75 years ~ September 2020
Bishop Michael Cleary C.S.Sp. was diocesan education secretary, Vicar-General and, for a total of 25 years, Bishop of Banjul, Gambia.
- September 7, 2020