Spiritan News Articles

Spiritan schools mark Founder’s Feast Day, 2nd October 2020

Some 5,000 students of Spiritan schools in Ireland, and their teachers, answered the virtual call to prayer on Friday 2nd October, Feast Day of the Spiritan founder, Claude Poullart des Places.

Author: admin - October 7, 2020

Spiritans in formation in Vietnam

Some 4 dozen Vietnamese men are currently in formation to become Spiritan missionaries. The expected historic ordination in 2019 of 6 Spiritans from Vietnam has had to be postponed due to restrictions linked to Covid-19.

Author: admin - September 28, 2020

Hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants

Fr. Samson Mann C.S.Sp. now divides his time evenly between hospital chaplaincy and work with migrants. As chaplain in St. Mary’s Hospital in Dublin 8 and the nearby 150-bed Phoenix Park Community Nursing Unit (PPCNU)...

Author: admin -

Reaching 80! Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday.

Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday this month. Happy birthday to him!

Author: admin -

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