Spiritan News Articles

Vacancy in Spirasi

Set up by the Spiritans in 1999, Spirasi supports victims of torture to re-build their lives in Ireland. Spirasi now wishes to recruit a CEO to provide visionary leadership and strategic direction.

Author: admin - April 22, 2024

Spirasi House

Mission Awareness Programme 2024

The Mission Awareness Programme (formerly ‘Mission Appeals’) remains an important part of Spiritan activity, giving us the opportunity to travel to parish communities around Ireland to speak about the many and varied works in which Spiritan confrères in overseas mission are engaged.

Author: admin -

A woman in a field in Ethiopia

Formation in the Philippines

One of two* Irish Spiritans who are currently serving in Asia, Fr Pat Palmer (pictured) is Rector of the Spiritan Theology Community in the Philippines. Currently the community has a total of sixteen students. One is from Kenya, two are from Tanzania and the rest are from Vietnam. In late 2023 three were ordained deacons while three others were ordained...

Author: admin - April 20, 2024

Visit of John Wambu C.S.Sp. and Ruth Hamisi of the Spiritan Province of Kenya

Ruth Hamisi and Fr John Wambu C.S.Sp. of the Spiritan Province of Kenya, serving respectively in the areas of programmes and education, have just completed a c.10-day visit to Ireland. Their visit included meetings with Willow Wheelers and with Nächstenliebe Weltweit / Love of Neighbour who have been generous funders to Spiritan works in Kenya and elsewhere...

Author: admin -

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