Attending the annual summit of The Wheel – May 2023
Annmarie Reid and Gráinne O’Rourke represented The Spiritans at the annual summit of The Wheel in Croke Park, Dublin in May 2023. The day was filled with interesting sessions exploring the big topics currently affecting the voluntary and community (charity) sector.
- July 21, 2023
Mass for Jubilees of Ordination of Spiritan Missionary Priests
A Mass in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Kimmage Manor on 10th June 2023 marked the Silver (25th), Golden (50th) and Diamond (60th) jubilees of Ordination of thirteen Spiritans.
- June 28, 2023
Annual Raffle Results 2023
The winners of the nine cash prizes were as follows...
- May 22, 2023
Mission Boxes
Holy Ghost Mission Boxes were first used in Ireland in the 1930s. In the early 1950s they began to be distributed widely around the country, primarily to family-owned shops, chemists and pubs. In a sign of the times, mission boxes that served us so well for so long are now all but a thing of the past, due in part to the demise of many family-owned businesses...
- March 15, 2023