A Reflection for The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, 7th January 2024
This feast day reveals the coming of God for all and to be with all. One has to explore and journey like the Magi to see, to recognize, to find and to adore Christ, who is constantly being born among and around us. The Magi followed the star, but we follow our GPS to reach a destination. What do I depend on for my journey? How do I explore and seek God in my spiritual and personal journey?
- December 10, 2023Soul Food for The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (1st January 2024)
Our readings today remind us of the joy that Mary experienced by being open to the will of the Lord. She was afraid but she trusted in the Lord. When I became a mother, I didn’t know what that role would entail. I had the loving presence of my husband and, because we both had faith, we believed and trusted that all would be okay.
-Soul Food for Christmas Day, 25th December 2023
As dawn broke on Christmas Day in 1914, a remarkable event took place along a section of the war front in France. Soldiers of opposing armies put aside their killing and for a whole day they sat together, shared meals and played football. They communicated with few words and many gestures. That incident has been recorded in verse, movies (one of the best is “Joyeux Noel”) and, of course, in military dispatches. And John McCutcheon’s poem, “Christmas in the Trenches”, tells what happened.
-Soul Food for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, (Christmas Eve), 24th December 2023
Advent is my favourite Church season; during this season, we see so many examples of our faith in action. Over the last couple of weeks each one of us has been involved in a charity event to raise awareness and support for a worthy cause and you most likely would have heard of many other similar events taking place. We are called as Christians to be of service to those in need, and during Advent we find so many examples of people doing just that.