Reflection for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (14th February 2021)
In the early 1970s I was doing ministry in an American suburb trying to get a few dollars for my then mission in Africa to keep body and soul together. In those days, parish visitation was the “in thing”. I spent most of those summer days walking around the parish
- January 27, 2021
A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (31st January 2021)
As I look back on nearly twenty-four years of varied missionary service and reflecting on 2020, a year which was like something out of Tales of the Unexpected, I am struck by the simple phrase in today’s gospel: the ‘just then’ unexpected moment for the man with an unclean spirit.
- January 13, 2021
A Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent
Mt. 4: 1 - 11 ( ) Lent is a time of preparation. As such it presents an opportunity to focus once again on our priorities in life. Our day-to-day living presents us with so many options. Some of those, even though good in themselves, might also be considered temptations. Is that what we have in today’s…
- March 1, 2020
A Reflection for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt. 5: 38 - 48 ( ) Be Holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy. In the rural Ireland of the 1950s and ‘60s where I grew up, to tell someone "you are holy", would be vigorously rejected; rather, the person would acknowledge, quite readily, being a sinner. Monthly confession…
- February 23, 2020