A Reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt 4: 12-23 (http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/012620.cfm) Celebrate, Study and Share these Dangerous Words! Among the great gifts that the many branches of the Christian family have in common are the Bible and the deep belief that God speaks to the people through its inspired words. Of course, there are many views, arguments…
- February 2, 2020
A Reflection for The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
This Sunday marks the crossover from Christmastide to Ordinary Time. We do this by recalling something extraordinary that continues to remind us of what Christmas and the incarnation is all about. The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord raises all kinds of interesting questions about the curious moment when Jesus comes to John for baptism. In Matthew, our Gospel for the coming year, the baptism is presented as another moment of revelation. In the scene, Jesus is depicted as “seeing” the Spirit coming down on him while the crowd is told “this is my beloved Son” (Contrast this with Mark where the voice speaks to Jesus!). What does it mean for Matthew?
- January 12, 2020