Spirituality and Faith News Articles

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent (12th December) 2021

“Are you dancing?”... “Are you asking?” People have always loved to dance; we have probably been doing it from the time our first ancestors managed to stand up! We do it to express ourselves when words are not enough to express our joy, love, and exuberance. Sometimes, even if we are normally reserved and shy, an unexpected piece of good news or a final whistle at a football match will have us jumping up and down for joy. We are caught up in the moment, we forget ourselves and we dance.

Author: admin - December 9, 2021

Advent Wreath

A Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (28th November) 2021

Whenever there was a thunderstorm my granny used to say that it was a sign that God must be angry with the world. She was not alone in holding to understandings like this. In fact, throughout history, cultures of every hue have searched for signs of divine preference, divine activity or indeed divine judgement / retribution in the natural world.

Author: admin - November 23, 2021

A thunder storm

A Reflection for the Feast of Christ the King (21st November 2021)

and love. We see from the readings the idea of sovereignty. We read in Daniel “his sovereignty shall never pass away” and Psalm 93 praises the great power of God who is king.

Author: admin - October 27, 2021

A symbol of God's love

A Reflection for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (31st October 2021)

Like many households of my youth, ours had a picture of the Sacred Heart hanging on the kitchen wall. Yet you may be surprised to hear that I felt that ours was a deprived household. Other houses had a red lamp underneath the picture, a red electric bulb or a small, oil-filled burner which to my young eyes appeared to be particularly special...

Author: admin - October 1, 2021

Souvenirs religious pictures
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