Five Irish Spiritans who died in the period January-April 2019
Fr. Séamus Fleming C.S.Sp. ~ Fr. Frank Laverty C.S.Sp ~ Fr. Gerry Gogan C.S.Sp ~ Fr. Jimmy Morrow C.S.Sp. ~ Fr. Pat Whelan C.S.Sp.
- June 13, 2019
5th January 2019 Two Spiritans, ordained in the 1950s, share a birthday!
James Peters C.S.Sp. (95), born near Bansha, Co. Tipperary, and Enzo Agnoli C.S.Sp, born near Parma in Italy share a birthday!
- January 5, 2019
Mission Appeals 2019
Last year the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Missions) held Mission Appeals throughout the Diocese of Cashel & Emly, and the Diocese of Tuam. Our thanks to all who generously supported our appeals.
- January 4, 2019
Irish Spiritans who died in 2018
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha ~ May they rest in peace
- January 2, 2019