Ministries & Mission News Articles

Fr Michael McMahon C.S.Sp. – almost a half-century in Kenya!

A Dubliner, Fr Michael (pictured left) was ordained in 1966 and appointed to St Michael’s College in his home city where he taught science – and coached rugby! In 1972, he joined several dozen other Irish Spiritans on overseas mission in Kenya. Having studied the Kikamba language, he taught in high schools in Tala and Kabaa.

Author: admin - November 30, 2020

Spiritans in formation in Vietnam

Some 4 dozen Vietnamese men are currently in formation to become Spiritan missionaries. The expected historic ordination in 2019 of 6 Spiritans from Vietnam has had to be postponed due to restrictions linked to Covid-19.

Author: admin - September 28, 2020

Letter from Brazil – Fr. John Horan C.S.Sp. – August 2020

Ji-Paraná, the town where I am one of two priests in the cathedral parish, has had over 1,000 infections, rising daily by between 10 and 40 cases. The death toll so far stands at 21.

Author: admin - September 20, 2020

Emergency Support Programme to Internally Displaced Persons in Moçambique

Using a €14,400 emergency grant from Misean Cara, the Spiritans in Moçambique initiated a programme of support to internally displaced persons (IDPs), in the form of the provision of food, soap, clothing and blankets.

Author: admin -

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