Pentecost Sunday 2021
Photo of: Fr Brendan Carr, Fr Martin Kelly and Fr Joe Beere, with (in front) Fr Vincent O’Grady.
- June 3, 2021
Grateful for an Irish Church experience in the West of Ireland, and also for the chance of returning to work, this time with migrants in Lisbon, Portugal. Joe Poole C.S.Sp.
In 2009, after a period of several months recovering from what was assumed to be cerebral malaria, I arrived in Ballintubber & Ballymoe parish in Elphin diocese. I volunteered to spend 2 months in a relief role, working for the first time in an Irish Church situation. I left, over a decade later, in 2020!
Annual Raffle Results 2021
The winners of the twelve cash prizes were as follows...
- May 26, 2021
Fr Brendan Foley C.S.Sp. in Brazil helps with food bank.
In Brazil, one of the countries that is worst affected by Covid-19 and with a death toll of well over 350,000 people (as of mid-April 2021) families struggle to buy food, according to Fr Brendan Foley. Ordained in 1997, Fr Brendan is Superior of the South-West Province of the Spiritans in Brazil, and is parish priest in Perus, São Paulo, an area where many people live in areas of great deprivation including ‘favelas’.
- April 19, 2021