Reaching 80! Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday.
Fr. Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp. celebrates his 80th birthday this month. Happy birthday to him!
- September 28, 2020
25th Jubilee of Profession
For both Fr. John Laizer C.S.Sp. and Fr. Hyacinth Nwakuna C.S.Sp. this year marks the 25th anniversary of their first profession in the Congregation. Happy anniversary!
Letter from Brazil – Fr. John Horan C.S.Sp. – August 2020
Ji-Paraná, the town where I am one of two priests in the cathedral parish, has had over 1,000 infections, rising daily by between 10 and 40 cases. The death toll so far stands at 21.
- September 20, 2020
Emergency Support Programme to Internally Displaced Persons in Moçambique
Using a €14,400 emergency grant from Misean Cara, the Spiritans in Moçambique initiated a programme of support to internally displaced persons (IDPs), in the form of the provision of food, soap, clothing and blankets.