In the Footsteps of the Founders Paris, 25th – 28th Oct ~ Ms Mary Jo Delaney
Over three hundred years later, the fruit of this work was tangible in what is today known as Les Apprentis d’Auteuil. The Spiritan vision permeates the delivery of this foundation’s educational programmes.
- December 13, 2018
Homily at broadcast Mass on RTÉ – Sunday, 13th January 2019 – Paddy Moran C.S.Sp.
Spirasi, the asylum-seeker initiative of the Spiritan (Holy Ghost) Congregation, has for 20 years been involved in welcoming people who have sought asylum from persecution and torture...
- December 11, 2018
The wheel has turned full circle! ~ John Horan C.S.Sp.
Having arrived in Brazil in late October 1966, I ministered in the parish of Florida Paulista in the state of São Paulo for a total of 8 years, in Adamantina for a much shorter period and, for a while in the late 1970s, in New York where I was studying in Fordham University.
- October 13, 2018
Safeguarding Children, Policy and Procedures of the Irish Province (March 2014) & Safeguarding: Recommendations review + Note from the PLT (October 2013)
Spiritan Safeguarding Documents
- September 13, 2018